Program to change an extension of a file in python:
import os
import shutil
def renamefiles():
filelist = os.listdir(r"source path here")
os.chdir(r"source path here")
path = os.getcwd()
for filename in filelist:
if filename.endswith(".xml"):
print("Old Name - " + filename)
(prefix, sep, sffix) = filename.rpartition(".")
newfile = filename + '.ok'
if not filename.endswith(".ok"):
os.rename(filename, newfile)
print("New Name - " + newfile)
# path to source directory
src_dir = r'source path here'
# path to destination directory
dest_dir = r'File Backup path here'
# getting all the files in the source directory
files = os.listdir(src_dir)
shutil.copytree(src_dir, dest_dir)
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