Tutorial 10 – API Testing in Cypress Adding the PDF link as the images are not fully loaded: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WymhdDurkCURxLHceazF3ozGTDtm4bPMr3gDUcXFfBg/edit?usp=sharing What you will Learn : What is API? API Testing in cypress using cy.request() command (GET method) API Testing in cypress using cy.request() command (POST method) What is API (Application Programming Interface) Look at below figure. When you download some application (example Zoho app, on your mobile or desktop) and when you try to signup, it might ask you if you want to Login with your Gmail/Facebook/Twitter credentials. So when you login using any of these apps, you are successfully logged in. Here, Zoho and Facebook/Gmail are different applications, but they communicate eahc other using APIs. So facebook app exposed some of it’s APIs to provide facility to login Zoho. So API is nothing but a resource through which you are getting information from any database, but you don’t have the direct a...
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