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MULTIPLEXER , Design & Implement the given 4 variable function using IC74LS153. Verify its Truth-Table



AIM:Design & Implement the given 4 variable function using IC74LS153. Verify its Truth-Table.



·       To learn about IC 74153 and its internal structure.

·       To realize 8:1 MUX and 16:1 MUX using IC 74153.


COMPONENTS REQUIRED: IC 74153, IC 7404, IC 7432, CDS, wires, Power supply.


           1)   IC 74153

2)     IC 7404:                                       

    3) IC 7432



·       Multiplexer is a combinational circuit that is one of the most widely used in digital design.

·       The multiplexer is a data selector which gates one out of several inputs to a single output. It has ‘n’ data inputs & one output line & ‘m’ select lines where 2m= n shown in figure 1. The n: 1 multiplexer can be used to realize an ‘m’ variable function. (2m= n, where ‘m’ is number of select inputs). Depending upon the digital code applied at the select inputs one out of the ‘n’ data input is selected & transmitted to a single output channel.

·       Normally strobe or Enable (E) input is incorporated which is generally active low which enables the multiplexer when it is LOW. Strobe input helps in cascading.

Necessity of multiplexers:

·       In most of the electronic systems, the digital data is available on more than one line. It is necessary select single data line from several data- input lines and the data from the selected line should be available on the output. Under such circumstances we require a circuit which selects one of the many inputs at a time. This circuit is nothing else but a multiplexer, which has many inputs, one output & some select inputs.

·       It is a digital switch. It allows digital information from several sources to be route onto a single output line,

·       Multiplexer improves the reliability of the digital system because it reduces the number of external wired connections. Therefore, multiplexer is ‘many into one’ and it provides the digital equivalent of an analog selector switch.



Fig. 1 Block diagram of n: 1 MUX

Types of MUX:

1.     2:1 MUX                2. 4:1 MUX             3. 8:1 MUX

4.     16:1 MUX              5. 32:1 MUX


4:1 Multiplexer

There are four input lines (D0 to D3), one output line (Y) and two select lines S0 and S1. As shown in the function table, the selection of particular input line is controlled by two section lines.

                                    (a) Logic Symbol                                                        (b) Truth Table


(c) Logic Diagram

Fig 2. 4:1 Multiplexer

8:1 Multiplexer

There are eight input lines (D0 to D7), one output line (Y) and three select lines S0 to S2. As shown in the function table, the selection of particular input line is controlled by three section lines.

                             (a) Logic Symbol                                                        (b) Truth Table


Boolean Equation:

(c) Logic Diagram

Fig 3. 8:1 Multiplexer

The 74LS153 Dual 4:1 Multiplexer

·       IC 74LS153 is high speed dual 4:1 multiplexer IC with common select inputs S0 and S1 (MSB) and individual enable inputs  for each section that is the two 4-input multiplexer circuits have enables  which can be used to strobe the outputs independently shown in fig 4. When the Enables are high, the corresponding outputs Y1 and Y2 are forced LOW.

·       The IC 74LS153 can select data from input under the control of the common select line inputs (S0, S1). The logic equations for the outputs are shown below.




                             (a) Internal of IC 74LS153                                       (b) Truth Table

Fig4. IC 74LS153


Ex: Design and Implement 8:1 MUX for given function using IC-74LS153 and verify its Truth Table. Y (A, B, C) = ∑m (0, 1, 4, 6, 7).

Circuit Diagram:                                                                       Truth Table:

Ex:  Design and implement the following four variable Boolean function using IC 74LS153 and verify its truth table.

Y (A, B, C, D) = ∑m (2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14)

Design Using MSB Bit A:


Fig: Design Table

 Circuit Diagram:

Design Using LSB Bit D:

      Fig: Design Table


Circuit Diagram:

Truth Table:


1)     Design given Boolean equation according to requirement.

2)     Check all the components for their working.

3)     Give biasing to the IC.

4)     Make connections as shown in the diagram and observe output.





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