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MySQL practical Tutorials part 7- sql Date Float, double , Date datatype all queries

Mysql Date Float, double , Date datatype all queries



CREATE TABLE thingies (price FLOAT);


INSERT INTO thingies(price) VALUES (88.45);


SELECT * FROM thingies;


INSERT INTO thingies(price) VALUES (8877.45);


SELECT * FROM thingies;


INSERT INTO thingies(price) VALUES (8877665544.45);


SELECT * FROM thingies;


Creating Our DATE data

CREATE TABLE people (name VARCHAR(100), birthdate DATE, birthtime TIME, birthdt DATETIME);


INSERT INTO people (name, birthdate, birthtime, birthdt)

VALUES('Padma', '1983-11-11', '10:07:35', '1983-11-11 10:07:35');


INSERT INTO people (name, birthdate, birthtime, birthdt)

VALUES('Larry', '1943-12-25', '04:10:42', '1943-12-25 04:10:42');


SELECT * FROM people;


Formatting Dates

SELECT name, birthdate FROM people;


SELECT name, DAY(birthdate) FROM people;


SELECT name, birthdate, DAY(birthdate) FROM people;


SELECT name, birthdate, DAYNAME(birthdate) FROM people;


SELECT name, birthdate, DAYOFWEEK(birthdate) FROM people;


SELECT name, birthdate, DAYOFYEAR(birthdate) FROM people;


SELECT name, birthtime, DAYOFYEAR(birthtime) FROM people;


SELECT name, birthdt, DAYOFYEAR(birthdt) FROM people;


SELECT name, birthdt, MONTH(birthdt) FROM people;


SELECT name, birthdt, MONTHNAME(birthdt) FROM people;


SELECT name, birthtime, HOUR(birthtime) FROM people;


SELECT name, birthtime, MINUTE(birthtime) FROM people;


SELECT CONCAT(MONTHNAME(birthdate), ' ', DAY(birthdate), ' ', YEAR(birthdate)) FROM people;


SELECT DATE_FORMAT(birthdt, 'Was born on a %W') FROM people;


SELECT DATE_FORMAT(birthdt, '%m/%d/%Y') FROM people;


SELECT DATE_FORMAT(birthdt, '%m/%d/%Y at %h:%i') FROM people;


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