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MySQL practical Tutorials part 10- MySQL logical AND, logical OR and BETWEEN operator.

 MySQL logical AND, logical OR and BETWEEN operator practical queries.


Logical AND

SELECT title, author_lname, released_year FROM books

WHERE author_lname='Eggers';


SELECT title, author_lname, released_year FROM books

WHERE released_year > 2010;





    released_year FROM books

WHERE author_lname='Eggers' 

    AND released_year > 2010;


SELECT 1 < 5 && 7 = 9;

-- false


SELECT -10 > -20 && 0 <= 0;

-- true


SELECT -40 <= 0 AND 10 > 40;



SELECT 54 <= 54 && 'a' = 'A';

-- true



FROM books

WHERE author_lname='Eggers' 

    AND released_year > 2010 

    AND title LIKE '%novel%';

Please note, as of MySQL 8.0.17, the && operator is deprecated and support for it will be removed in a future MySQL version. Applications should be adjusted to use the standard SQL AND operator.

If you're using MySQL 5.7 or older, which most of you are if you're using GoormIDE, then you don't have to worry about this right now. But, in newer versions of MySQL (8.0.17 and newer) you will need to replace && with AND.


Logical OR





FROM books

WHERE author_lname='Eggers' || released_year > 2010;



SELECT 40 <= 100 || -2 > 0;

-- true


SELECT 10 > 5 || 5 = 5;

-- true


SELECT 'a' = 5 || 3000 > 2000;

-- true


SELECT title, 




FROM   books 

WHERE  author_lname = 'Eggers' 

              || released_year > 2010 

OR     stock_quantity > 100;

Please note, as of MySQL 8.0.17, the || operator is deprecated and support for it will be removed in a future MySQL version. Applications should be adjusted to use the standard SQL OR operator.

If you're using MySQL 5.7 or older, which most of you are if you're using GoormIDE, then you don't have to worry about this right now. But, in newer versions of MySQL (8.0.17 and newer) you will need to replace || with OR.



SELECT title, released_year FROM books WHERE released_year >= 2004 && released_year <= 2015;


SELECT title, released_year FROM books 

WHERE released_year BETWEEN 2004 AND 2015;


SELECT title, released_year FROM books 

WHERE released_year NOT BETWEEN 2004 AND 2015;




show databases;


use new_testing_db;


SELECT name, birthdt FROM people WHERE birthdt BETWEEN '1980-01-01' AND '2000-01-01';





FROM people


    birthdt BETWEEN CAST('1980-01-01' AS DATETIME)

    AND CAST('2000-01-01' AS DATETIME);



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