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multibagger NSE BSE

Hello all,

I am sharing the google Sheet which contains stock scripts which will be immensely valuable for you. I have applied so many google formuales in order to create the same. Believe me it will give you idea when to buy a stock among a list of stocks. It will show you the low level stock price to buy among the list. Below is the updated stock list by me.

  Your kind sugestions will help me to grow this list more beneficial to all of you. In future I will create and share sectoral wise stock list and publish publicly.
  Believe me this is going to most beneficial to all invester and traders. Again any suggestions from your side are most welcome.

Steps to use:
1) first cloumn is the script code which is the script code of nse or bse.
2) Scriptname is the name of the BSE/NSE stock.
3) Investment is the actual amount you have invested.
4) Shares is the number of share you are holding
5) Netprice is your buying price of a perticular stock.
6) Current is the latest price of a perticular stock.
7) Change is the change in the amount for today only.
8) Change% is the percentage change in the amount for today only.
9) Profit is the actual profit you are holding till date.
10) Profit% is the actual profit in percentage are are having till date.


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