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Showing posts from October, 2024

Some GUI examples in Python using customtkinter

 Some GUI examples in Python using customtkinter import customtkinter import os from PIL import Image class ScrollableCheckBoxFrame(customtkinter.CTkScrollableFrame):     def __init__(self, master, item_list, command=None, **kwargs):         super().__init__(master, **kwargs)         self.command = command         self.checkbox_list = []         for i, item in enumerate(item_list):             self.add_item(item)     def add_item(self, item):         checkbox = customtkinter.CTkCheckBox(self, text=item)         if self.command is not None:             checkbox.configure(command=self.command)         checkbox.grid(row=len(self.checkbox_list), column=0, pady=(0, 10))         self.checkbox_list.append(checkbox)     def remove_item(self, it...

File Compare Tool in Python and tkinter

 Below is the desktop application developed in Python to compare 2 files and find out the differences. Here is the code: import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter import ttk import time import threading class TextComparerApp:     def __init__(self, root):         self.root = root         self.root.title("Text Compare: by Vinayak")         self.root.geometry("800x730")  # Set default window size to 800x730 pixels         # Frame to hold upload buttons         self.upload_frame = tk.Frame(root)         self.upload_frame.pack(pady=10)         # First file upload button         self.upload_button1 = tk.Button(self.upload_frame, activebackground="#99e0aa", text="<--- Insert File 1 --->",                             ...

Add worklog in Jira using Python

 Below is the Python code to add the worklog in Jira. You need to install a request library for this. Here is the code: import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import json url = "https://your jira address here/rest/api/2/issue/ticket_number/worklog" auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "jira access token") headers = {     "Accept": "application/json",     "Content-Type": "application/json" } payload = json.dumps({     "comment": {         "content": [             {                 "content": [                     {                         "text": "This is for QA Testing",                         "type": "text"                     } ...

create a groups in Jira API using Python

 Below is the Python code to get create a groups in Jira. You need to install a request library for this. Here is the code: import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import json url = "https://your jira address here/rest/api/3/group" headers = {   "Accept": "application/json",   "Content-Type": "application/json" } payload = json.dumps( {   "name": "QA" } ) response = requests.request(    "POST",    url,    data=payload,    headers=headers,    auth=auth ) print(json.dumps(json.loads(response.text), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")))

Python code to get the groups in Jira

 Below is the Python code to get the groups in Jira. You need to install a request library for this. Here is the code: import requests url = "https://your jira address here/rest/api/2/user/groups?Name=jira name " \       "&accountId=account-id&username=username " payload={} headers = {    'User-Agent': 'Apidog/1.0.0 (' } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text) ============================================================= import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import json url = "https://your jira address here/rest/api/3/group" auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "jira access token") headers = {     "Accept": "application/json" } query = {     'groupId': 'groupId' } response = requests.request(     "GET",     url,     headers=headers,     params=query,     auth=auth ) print(js...

Get all the users from a group in Jira using Python

 Below is the Python code to get all the users from a group in Jira. You need to install a request library for this. Here is the code: import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import json url = "https://your jira address here/rest/api/3/group/member" auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "jira token mention here") headers = {   "Accept": "application/json" } query = {   'groupId': '6078c76f-bf47-4573-a150-b9f0285ac8aa' } response = requests.request(    "GET",    url,    headers=headers,    params=query,    auth=auth ) print(json.dumps(json.loads(response.text), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")))

Create worklog in Jira using Python

Below is the Python code to Create worklog in Jira. You need to install a request library for this. import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import json url = "https://your jira address here/worklog" auth = HTTPBasicAuth("username", "jira token mention here") headers = {   "Accept": "application/json" } response = requests.request(    "GET",    url,    headers=headers,    auth=auth ) print(json.dumps(json.loads(response.text), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")))

Capture Network Traffic in Python

  Below is the code to capture a network traffic in python import requests def check_web_traffic (url): try : response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200 : print ( f"Web traffic for { url } is good." ) else : print ( f"Web traffic for { url } is not as expected. Status code: { response.status_code } " ) except requests.RequestException as e: print ( f"An error occurred: { e } " ) if __name__ == "__main__" : url = 'Put website url here' check_web_traffic(url)

Create Progress bar in Python

Following is the code to create a  Progress bar in Python. For that you need to install  tqdm package Here is the code: from tqdm import tqdm from time import sleep pbar = tqdm( total = 100 ) for i in range ( 10 ): sleep( 0.2 ) pbar.update( 10 ) pbar.close()